Thursday, May 26, 2011

Shout Out to Moms of Babies and Toddlers

I was lucky enough to watch my friend's baby today. He is such a doll and I love watching him. He is crawling really well now and I knew that, but I was unprepared for what that entailed. I have three children; I've been through crawling and walking three times, but I guess you forget. Babies are fast and they can grab more than you think they can;). I still loved watching him (he has the cutest grin!), but I gained a renewed appreciation for my family and friends who are in the 'baby or toddler stage' with their little ones. I won't take for granted that I can now go places without hauling a diaper bag with me, or that my kids can all walk themselves now. We rarely take a stroller anywhere, Luka walks with me at the store, they can all feed themselves. Little things but it's so nice. So I guess I'm enjoying that our little family is growing up. It's really fun. And besides, I still get to have time taking care of babies for friends and family; the best of both worlds,and now I appreciate it more. I think I am understanding a little bit why Grandparents always say Grandkids are the best; you get to enjoy the cutest little souls who come straight from heaven without the stress of being the parent. So thanks for sharing your little ones with me! And all mother's with little ones- Keep up the good work and know you are awesome!!


Bridget said...

Awwwwww. :)

Hubba's Thoughts said...

It's hard going back to the baby stage! Jackson was finally doing pretty good on his own... Oh well, when I get tired of Abigail I'll just call you and you can watch her for a couple hours :)!!! Love ya!

Lauriann said...

oh my, I sure need the encouragement. Each time I buckle both my kidos in the car, I think, I can't wait till they can do this themselves, along with put clothes and shoes on, along with no more diapers, along with getting food for themselves when they need a snack or drink. No wonder it takes a half hour just to get everyone ready to go anywhere. And no wonder I'm dead beat by the end of the day.