Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cupcake #5- Oreo Cupcakes

These cupcakes were similar to the peanut butter ones. In the bottom of the cupcake is an Oreo. And the frosting is a vanilla butter cream with Oreo bits in it. The chocolate cake is a mix with sour cream added. Yum! Brett says it's his new favorite and I might have to agree (although the root beer float ones were so good I've made them twice now).


Bridget said...

Um, I hate to state the obvious. But... where is mine??

Ananda Henriksen said...

These were so so good, we devoured them:)

Hubba's Thoughts said...

Why aren't you bringing me any??? You are, after all, my VT!!! I need to take a look at that book!!