Saturday, May 31, 2008

Family Photos

We recently had a photo session with Lauri. It was fun to get some cute pictures of Luka and she got to play with cousin Jack. It was fun to see them look at each other and baby talk.

Friday, May 23, 2008

This weekend we went to St.Thomas...I mean to SEE Thomas (boy I need a vacation:))

Thomas was chilly but fun. Little boys all love trains. Luka tried to eat straw at the hay maze. And what trip to see Thomas would be complete with out a trip to Dairy Keen.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Lukie Scoot

Luka started crawling last week and she goes pretty good now, except sometimes certain pants on the wood floors are slippery. Then she resorts to this. Makes me laugh every time.

And Tucker is so good with her. She just loves him; she says his name when she sees him (she says the 't' sound and the 'k' sound so it sounds kind of like 'tika' - so vey cute). I need to get that on video too I guess.

Little Graduate

Tucker graduated from preschool yesterday. He is such a smarty pants-the only one in his class who can read, and he can read anything. Notice that he is nearly a full head taller than the rest of his class. I can't believe that I am going to have a child in Kindergarten soon! My little guy is so grown up.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Family Photos and an Anniversary

Saren is graduating from high school next week and the first photo is our family 18 years ago when she was a baby. Congratulations Saren! Brett and I have our 7th anniversary Sunday and the next photo was taken right before we got married. The rest are just some photos of Brett and I over the years.

House Full of Dirt

So this is the mess that is our yard getting ready for sprinklers. The pictures do not do it justice. Boys love dirt, and they love dirt with trenches and pipe everywhere. My house has dark wood floors which means that everytime the kids (or anyone) comes into the house there are tracks everywhere so I always know where the kids have been. So I have been waging a battle with dirt for several weeks and it is a losing one. I'm about ready to give up. At least the boys love to use the dust mop. I should love having wood floors, but I kind of wish for carpet - I know the dirt would still be there, but at least I couldn't see it as much.
Recently some people were claiming my house is always clean so this picture of the shoes by the back door is to show it is not. (You are lucky I posted this and not the toilet that the boys use and NEVER flush.) :) And lastly, our playset that Brett put together with a big sandbox under the slide and wood chips under the swing. The boys love it, unfortunately so do all the neighborhood kids (can't wait for school to be out!- ha ha :) )

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sew Fun

So I've been playing around with some fabric I ordered on Etsy and these are my first creations. Playing dress-up with Luka is extra fun. She is wearing the skirt in an earlier post.


Sorry to those who tried to leave a comment and couldn't. I didn't realize my settings were messed up. Hopefully it should work now:). E-mail me again if it won't still.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A New Blog

So some may have noticed that I took down my old blog a while ago. That was because of the craziness that happened about a month ago when we had first moved into our new house. Someone stole my credit card number and had an awful lot of my personal information and started charging like crazy online. Well it made me pretty scared (they were trying to lock me out of my own credit) so I took down the blog as part of trying to protect my information. So here is my new - invite only blog. I'm not really great at proofreading, but only people who know me will be reading now so I guess it won't matter. Have a great day everybody, and be careful with your credit card numbers!;)

Getting Old

Brett and I are coming up on 7 years of marraige this month, and we met nearly 9 years ago. I like this picture because it looks old to me, which is appropriate since that is what we are :).

A Baby Princess Grows Up

Luka is a top of the line model - a big smile comes standard.

Sleepy Time

I wish I could fall asleep where ever I am when I get tired. Notice the car still in mid-drive by Clay's hand. Sally is his favorite because she is blue.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Having a daughter has opened up a whole new world for me. Luka is my princess. Mother's Day is usually not my fave, but I think Luka helps me feel less outnumbered now.