Monday, May 23, 2011

Cupcakes #3 & #4

So continuing in my cupcake-a-thon, my third try was a Pink Lemonade cupcake. Very yummy and a perfect BBQ cupcake I would say. It was very easy to make with a white cake and Pink lemonade concentrate (I forgot the red food coloring to make the cupcake pink, all well). Cupcake #4 was Chocolate Fudge Brownie. Not the best as far as presentation goes, but if your looking for a chocolate fix, this is the cupcake for you! Btw if you want to buy the book it may be interesting to note that so far these recipes have averaged a yield of 18 cupcakes (so they don't last very long :D). P.S these cupcakes are NOT helping me slim down for our trip like I wanted too ;) !

1 comment:

Alisha said...

Those look SO yummy!!! I'm having a BBQ on June 4th...I might have to get that pink lemonade recipe from you:)
BTW like you need to slim down, you're so skinny, and I'm totally jealous of your trip:)