Sunday, May 1, 2011

More anxiety at church (I know -really?)

The worst thing for a person with social anxiety is when one of their made up things that could go wrong actually happens. I had to give the opening prayer in church today and stumbled over my words, tried too hard and ended up saying the wrong thing that may have some people questioning my arrogance? I am assured that I am overreacting but I almost couldn't finish because I knew immediately that I'd said the wrong thing. All well. And if you are reading this and are in my ward and don't know what I'm talking about, good!, maybe I got lucky and no one was paying attention. ;D If you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at, eh?


Bridget said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Ohmygosh, I love you!! We are both going to end up in a museum someday.

Hubba's Thoughts said...

Um, I didn't notice at all!! I was paying more attention to you when you walked up and back to your chair because you ALWAYS look so dang cute!! Love you!!

Hubba's Thoughts said...

I just read your picture... Hahahah, you make me laugh!!

Wren Johnson said...

hahahaha oh my gosh that comic made my day, lol. :) especially since I just about had an anxiety attack yesterday, when I ate lunch with Brandon and his co-workers and their wives, etc.., and this morning when I went to my first swim team meeting of the year and had to meet the new assistant coach.