Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Missed Pictures

Things I wish I had taken a picture of yesterday:
* Lukie's bare feet-she took her shoes off everywhere...the dentist, Walmart,etc.
* The boys scrubbing to get sharpie off the front porch
* Saren's hair before and after (very dramatic, and I love her new look!)
* All the hair from Saren's cut, it was my biggest mess yet :) we had a lot of fun!
* What a bathtub looks like when a bag of corn pops cereal is dumped into it.
* A close up of Tuck at his Space Derby for scouts (I did get a few pictures but not close up)
* The pictures of my latest cupcakes (off course I didn't make any so that could be difficult)
* Luka 'swimming' in the bathroom sink. It started out as hand washing then foot washing, she used lots of soap and plenty of water :).

What I'm glad I didn't get a picture of:
* My face at the dentist as I waited to get my two cavities filled. I had to wait a
while, which gave me plenty of time to get nervous about it. I'm surprised they
could even put the filling in with my nervous shaking ;).

p.s.Saren-thanks for being so patient and having fun with me yesterday!


Bridget said...

Haha, I loved reading this! Definitely not a boring day, that's for sure. I still need to see Saren's hair!!!

Wren Johnson said...

Thanks for cutting and dying my hair! i've been getting lots of compliments :) It's looks great! Brandon loves it too, hehe ;)
haha the word verification is nogheep. awesome. like, a heap of nog's, maybe? lol

Lauriann said...

I have yet to see Saren's new cut. Anyone taking pictures??

Britt, I wish you could do my hair too. You rock.

And the sharpies made me chuckle. I know it's a matter of time for me.