Friday, April 1, 2011

My Rapunzel

Lukie has been unrolling all of my ribbon and tying it around her neck and running around the house with it "flowing" behind her pretending to be Rapunzel, her favorite. Since it isn't very safe and for the sake of my ribbon, we decided to buy her a Rapunzel ponytail to wear and she loves it. I think she looks pretty cute too. We got a lot of smiles from admirers as we ran errands today (they must have all been so excited to see Rapunzel :) ).


Bridget said...

OHhhhhh, soooo cute! I bet she just loves that! She makes an adorable little Rapunzel. But I can't believe how tall she looks in that last pic!
I flippin' love that movie though. The boys watch it over and over and secretly inside I will be bummed if they get tired of it.

Alisha said...

Way cute! She is just an adorable little girl:)