Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Princess And Her Crew

Luka loves to play in her toy box. She pushes it around the house and then climbs in it to play. I'm sure Santa would be glad that she likes his gift so much. She is turning into quite the little tag a long. She follows her brothers around like a little puppy, wanting to hold their hand, eat cake, play trains, drink juice, basically do whatever they are doing. And of course, she is still a Daddy's girl. She squeals with excitement every time he comes in the door and she says, "Suprise!" It's a riot.


Sharyti said...

OH my goodness Britt Luka is so cute. When do I get to babysit next lol? This friday right.YAY Love ya sis

Ananda Henriksen said...

Are those Brett's boots? You're right, she definetly has a crew. She is just so precious and has the sweetest older brothers! I'm so glad your blogging again!

Bridget said...

Hahahaha, she is so stinkin' cute. She looks like Dakota Fanning in that last pic. I love the picture of her and Clay under the desk, lol! So sweet. :) Good freakin, luck to any boy who wants to date her in the future... they'll have to make it past the 3 men she already has in her life!

Wren Johnson said...

Awww. Adorable! You're all so sweet.