Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Mommy's Ramble

So it probably seems like I have an unnatural obsession with age. Many of my friends who are older than me (calendar wise not actual age) would say so. But I FEEL old lately. Brett is staring down 30 this year and I'm next. I met Brett at college 10 years ago this year. My adorable baby sister is going to a sweethearts dance at the high school, and after offering her any of my dresses, realized that no one should have to wear a 10 YEAR OLD DRESS! Holy Cow, they're practically vintage. I don't really mind being older so much as I can't stand that I don't know what I've done with all of that time. When I was in high school I had such big plans (remember Bridget?) I should be working at a newspaper or newsmagazine in some big city, wearing pumps to work everyday and wowing everyone with my amazing wit. Hiking to the top of mountains and visiting exotic places. Or at least I should have finished my pre-law BA and the went to law school. I think I'm just restless. I love being a mother. I LOVE my kids, they are the greatest thing ever. Who can help but feel wonderful when they hear a little voice say, "I love you Mommy!"? I love the feeling of a clean house, that I put together, eating a meal with my family that I made (allergies and all), and even doing taxes because it makes me feel smart. Somewhere along the mommy trail I seem to have lost my knowledge of correct grammar, my hip taste in music (okay so I never had that but I do miss the concerts,) and I even leave the house in sweat pants occasionally- no really, I have!! :) I seem to be filled with all kinds of ideas for a small business or a book or things that other people do, why not me? But I know the most important thing I can do right now is be Tucker, Clay, and Luka's Mommy. At least it keeps me busy, very very busy. Well I guess I'll settle for the little triumphs in my life. They may not seem like a big deal to the world but they are to me. Like surviving a trip to Walmart with all three kids by myself, completing the laundry all in one day AND having it put away by the time Brett is home, or keeping the budget in line (a girl can dream can't she). I love my life with the greatest guy a girl could ask for, and my smart little rugrats (Tucker can SPELL words like machine, enough, people, anything!) but sometimes I wish I could go back to that insecure girl in high school and tell her, "Yes you can!!!" :) Wow, if you made it through this post you are a trooper, and deserve a pat on the back! I think I'll reward myself with some chocolate, may I suggest you do the same?! :)


Sharyti said...

:) Britt you are an amazing writer. I loved reading your post. I have been scared out of my mind because I want to travel and do services in other countries but I know I will never be able to withe economy and my start off. I love having you and Bridge to look up to. You guys are amazing and much more the just moms. Your everything else. :) Love ya sis.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Brittany

Blink & these days with those adorable little ones will be gone & you'll be chasing different dreams. Being a amazing righteous mother in Israel (as you are) is a price and sacrifice you'll never regret. And yes, we still dream. :) Remember the Dr Suess book "Oh the places you'll go"? Try reading that thinking of motherhood. What an adventure! I Love you.

Bridget said...

Actually, I'm rewarding myself with lemon heads right now. :) Mmmmm, sugar high! Geeze though, I totally understand. If I could go back and give myself some confidence I would be writing songs and books and playing professional sports and traveling around Europe with the girls I started skeleton with (hey, at least I can live through their experiences). The funny thing is though, they all seem miserable and uncontent, and they have all changed so much.... not in a good way really. And while I am tired, hurting and overwhelmed all of the time, I am still incredibly happy. Sometimes I just forget that I really am happy, lol. That doesn't make sense, but I'm sure you understand. No, I have learned a lot, and would not change a thing (unless you ask me on a hormonal day, hahaha!). My friends are searching for gold medals, and I have mine... my family. So cheesey, but so true. And by the way, we are old...

The Shafer Family said...

Britt, what a great post. I've been there and you do have the right attitude. Enjoy those wonderful children you have. They will be gone chasing their own dreams before you know it and you'll have plenty of time to chase after yours again. Love you!

Wren Johnson said...

yay Brittany! I loved reading your post. I feel the same way sometimes. I know shouldn't since I'm only in my first year in college. Thanks for writing how you feel. It makes me feel less lonely when i can see what you're all up to. :D You're not old. There's a funny saying I like: "Age is of no importance, unless you're a cheese." I'm glad you are happy. I hope everything contiues to go well for you! I love you!

Ananda Henriksen said...

You're back!!! You are amazing, and talented in so very many ways. I still remember that you painting, writing, and basically being smarter than anyone else than I know:)

Holfeltz Family said...

Britt, what a refreshing post. So comical, especially the part of wearing pumps to a fancy journalism job. For the record I have always thought you were very smart. I mean you got the same scholarship as Nat, pretty impressive. Plus Brett wouldn't marry anyone who wasn't smart. You little family is just perfect.

Lauriann said...

oh sweetie- so glad to see you writing again.
I should have asked Sharyti if she wanted to borrow any of my dresses- just hear her laugh at them. Try 16 years ago!!! Puffy sleeves and all.

You know- I spent 13 years building a career, traveling with Perry, and doing what ever pleased me. All with an empty heart that longed to me a mother. Now that I'm here- it's way more satisfying than what I had before. Trust me- you are living the dream.
You are a wonderful mother- and I want to be just like you. :)