Thursday, June 25, 2009

Random Thoughts About Ducks

I used to envision motherhood something along the lines of the mother duck. You know, mother duck waddling around, across the road, her little ducklings following adoringly in a line right behind her. Unfortunately it's really more like the song. You know mother duck says, "Quack, quack, quack, quack." And each time one less duckling responds by coming. Or in my case, "Quack, QuaCK, QUACK QUACK QUAAAACK!!!!!." :) I sure love it though! -Really I do! Guess I'll just keep quacking.


Bridget said...

SOOOOO TRUE! And appropriate for my day, lol. I'm afraid that all Boston will remember about me some days is me qucking "no" at him.

Wren Johnson said...

Ha ha ha1 THat's a sweet post. You and Bridget are so awesome about seeing the bright side of life. :)