Wednesday, June 17, 2009

On our first morning in Hawaii we both got up before sunrise and went out to explore the resort and the beach. The sand was a really cool salt and pepper color. It was a little misty and we only saw a couple people so it was very peaceful and super awesome! We slso saw a couple cats which we ended up seeing a lot of cats on our trip, I wanted to bring one home. I'm sure Hawaiian cats are way more layed back :).

1 comment:

Sharyti said...

It looks like you guys had so much FUN! lUCKIES :) Hey Briit its ok to run from waves lol I do it too. I love the Flip flop tan lines. yOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER. Hope I can find someone like Brett. Not necessarily to take me to Hawaii but you guys seem to have so much fun together. :)