Wednesday, August 6, 2008


So I can't believe it happened! Luka took her first solo steps tonight. It was bedtime and they were getting to bed later than normal and she was grumpy, so while I was making her bottle she was clinging to my legs and walking in a circle around me. Well I guess something just clicked and she realized that she was balancing really well, and she kept testing herself letting go and just standing (she has done this maybe twice before - just standing by herself) I called Brett in and after a couple of trys (she is unbelievably determined when she puts her mind to something) she actually took a couple of steps before she fell. I have her trying and testing on DVD, but of course we ran out of disk right before she took her steps! All well, I'm sure I'll get plenty of video of her walking now. She tried it a couple more times, realized she was really tired and her legs were tired too, so it was off to bed. Then as we were reading scriptures with the boys it just hit me that I won't have any more 'babies first steps' because Luka is our last baby. Well I got all choked up and started crying and couldn't read. The boys were sleepy and hardly noticed and Brett said, "I thought you'd read a really powerful scripture and I missed it or something." Nope, just realized that my baby isn't a baby anymore and is heading straight into toddlerhood. :( Seriously, I'm getting teary again just typing this. I'm so weird! :) Hopefully it will take her a while to really start trying to walk, but if she is anything like her brothers, her crawling days are over.


Wren Johnson said...

awwwwwww, how exciting! Life goes by so fast sometimes doesn't it? I love you!

Ananda Henriksen said...

Oh my goodness!!!!! already?? wow I can't believe it but lest you get sad just remember she's that much closer to ballet slippers and tutus:) Oh the fun. She's already a twinkle toes.

Lauriann said...

I'm predicting that Jack won't walk till after his first birthday. He shows no interest in crawling at all.