We just returned from our annual family trip to Bear Lake and Logan. (yes, we skipped last year because of the trauma from the year before) We are always excited to be Cache Valley bound. We stay in a motel in Logan and then drive up the canyon to the Lake. The kids LOVE it. And it is our time to just be a family. Clay told us, "I want to live here!" Brett and I were definitely in agreement until he explained that he meant the motel and not necessarily Logan. :D Bear Lake was a blast as always. Any sunburn pain is soooo worth it. This trip we focused on just having fun. No stress allowed! We also went to the Cache Valley Fun Park which the kids L_O_V_E_D!!! (Although Brett said leaving was like leaving the gates of h@## and I agreed :) ) But the kids had a blast and bowling was fun even though, as Clay pointed out, we really only needed to bowl 5 frames. We wound up the trip with a visit to our favorite park, where the kids played monkey while the adults napped ... okay, I napped, Brett took this picture not 10 feet away from me and I never knew until we got home and I looked at the camera. Heading back to Lehi was awful, and I still am in the severely missing state of Cache Valley withdrawals.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Bear Lake
We just returned from our annual family trip to Bear Lake and Logan. (yes, we skipped last year because of the trauma from the year before) We are always excited to be Cache Valley bound. We stay in a motel in Logan and then drive up the canyon to the Lake. The kids LOVE it. And it is our time to just be a family. Clay told us, "I want to live here!" Brett and I were definitely in agreement until he explained that he meant the motel and not necessarily Logan. :D Bear Lake was a blast as always. Any sunburn pain is soooo worth it. This trip we focused on just having fun. No stress allowed! We also went to the Cache Valley Fun Park which the kids L_O_V_E_D!!! (Although Brett said leaving was like leaving the gates of h@## and I agreed :) ) But the kids had a blast and bowling was fun even though, as Clay pointed out, we really only needed to bowl 5 frames. We wound up the trip with a visit to our favorite park, where the kids played monkey while the adults napped ... okay, I napped, Brett took this picture not 10 feet away from me and I never knew until we got home and I looked at the camera. Heading back to Lehi was awful, and I still am in the severely missing state of Cache Valley withdrawals.
One Year In
I Love My Garden
Someday I will have my acre of land to plant rows and rows of corn, a whole field of 10 different kinds of pumpkins, and enough squash and other vegetables to feed an army. I just love growing stuff -is there anything more satisfying, really? I also love sharing gardening with my kids. They actually volunteer to help when it comes to gardening. Clay, who hates peas, actually ate them right up when I reminded him that he helped to shell them. :)
Sunday, July 11, 2010
A few of the Fourth
I didn't get very many pictures of the Fourth of July this year which is sad since it was THREE days of celebration. We tried to see the balloons and made it on time for once- only to watch them be inflated and then deflated, too much wind. All well, I think the kids still had fun, even though the fire sound wooshing into the balloons scared Luka. And she was not prepared for the Coke balloon to our left and the colorful balloon to our right to collide right over us as the both tipped over. (I wasn't prepared either or I would have taken better pictures :) ) I didn't get any pictures at Grandma's (sad) but we had a blast as always. Then we headed down to BYU, yet again risking the chance that some of Cougardom might rub off on the kids. Brett wore his Aggie shirt just to be safe :). Really we love watching the fireworks every year from the same spot by the fountain across from the bells every year. Repetition works well for my OCD :). My favorite part is still the jets flying over. And thanks everyone for coming to our impromtu BBQ and fireworks on Monday!
Summer Happenings
Just a quick post with a couple things that have happened this summer. Clay completely wore out his old bike. We decided that since he has always had hand me downs and never his own brand new bike that we would buy one for him even thought it wasn't his birthday or Christmas, etc. He even got to pick and this is the one he wanted. He also lost his first tooth which was a long time coming as he had to watch the tooth fairy visit big brother over and over again. Luka shows us that when you are really tired you just crash - no matter where you are. She slept on the rug in front of the back door for a couple hours. Am I a bad Mom for leaving her there? :) You know what they say, "Let sleeping dogs lie?" - well the same applies to small children. And the picture of Tucker is in his new favorite reading spot - the front porch. His book of choice in this picture is the first Harry Potter; which at seven years old he finished in 3 days. Tucker I LOVE that you love reading like Mom!
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