Saturday, March 20, 2010

First Day of Spring = Sunshine = Yard Work!!

You can now see our picnic table from space!! I may have gotten a little out of control. But I got to use my new palm sander- very cool! We got a lot done today and there is still WAY more to do, but that's why I love Spring. Brett got a good start on the retaining wall on the side of the house, and the boys cleaned out the windo wells (how does garbage still get in there with the covers on?). Our garbage cans are full, we're sunburned and achy; those are the signs of a successful Saturday.


Ananda Henriksen said...

I love!!! your table it's so spunky and fun especially the little bird.

Alisha said...

Love the picnic table! You are so cute!

Amy Conklin said...

So cute Brittany! Did you paint the whole thing? You are so creative!

Sharyti said...

Cool dad says.