Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So as I was getting Luka's bottle for bed tonight, she took to her favorite past time (as you can probably tell from the pictures) and climbed up on the oven drawer. Except this time, while I had my back turned, she managed to open the second drawer up next to the oven and climb in . "Here Mom, do you need a dishcloth?" "No? How about a banana?" I really REALLY hoped that she would be my calm quiet child (and she is a very good baby) but she is crazy! She spends her entire day trying to climb EVERYTHING. She has a real talent for it. It helps to be fast, determined and reckless (a trait she seems to share with her big brother). So really -sigh... what's a mother to do?


Wren Johnson said...

hah. That reminds of me of the stories mom used to tell me of when i was her age and I'd climb the fridge and dressers. :) Maybe you should make her a baby obsatacle course to play in, in the backyard. :D

Bridget said...

Whoboy. What is she going to think of next? Seriously.

The Shafer Family said...

At least you know she's brave and will be able to face any struggles that come her way when she's older. She sure looks proud of herself.