Sunday, September 7, 2008

Luka Climbs Again

Sorry it is turned sideways. Apparently I'm not smart enough to figure out how to rotate a video. But Luka is climbing everything! It is all she wants to do all day. She figured out that she could climb onto the chairs today and I assume it is only a matter of time before she ends up on the table. I guess we're going to have to tie all the chair legs together again like we did with Clay. I still don't know how to keep her off of the fireplace. And she's always so proud of herself!


Wren Johnson said...

so cute! Go Luka! and good luck brittany and brett! :D

Bridget said...

I keep watching this because her determination just cracks me up!

Ananda Henriksen said...

Oh how precious. I love how she talks to herself as a sort of pep talk. She is so precious!!

ps thanks for the picture:)