Monday, July 14, 2008

I'm So Glad When Daddy Comes Home!

Brett went to Oregon last week on business for 6 days and 5 long nights. It was his longest business trip yet. We stayed pretty busy doing things with Grandma and cousins so it didn't seem too bad most of the time. On Friday afternoon we all started getting excited anticipating Daddy coming home. The boys were SOOOO hyper and they made cute welcome home signs. Dad always brings back presents for every one. I got flowers and perfume, the boys got a book about the Oregon Trail and a super cool set of fake mustaches. As you can see, we all had a blast trying them on.


Bridget said...

Awwww, yay for Dad being home. :) Those pics are great. Luka is positively stylin'. :) And flowers and perfume? (jealous)
Tucker looks so grown up with his hair cut! School is coming so fast for him.

Wren Johnson said...

hah! How funny! You guys are such darlings!

Lauriann said...

so fun! That's something the boys would never expect dad to bring home.