Thursday, July 24, 2008

For Bridget

So yesterday I had the two little neighbor boys over who are ages 3 and 5 just like Tucker and Clay (it's been great but 4 little boys get a little wild so one mom gets a break and the other gets to referee). Anyway, they were all playing out back when the older neighbor boy knocked on the back door and said, "There's a black widow out there and they are poking it with sticks." Okay - sure. So out I go to find out what is really going on and sure enough there is a black widow and all the little boys are poking it with hockey sticks and toy golf clubs. I about died. No one panic (I'm doing enough for everyone) I tell them to get me a rock and for heaven's sake STAND BACK! :) After being handed several rocks barely the size of the spider (um, yeah I am not trying to squish it with those) the little neighbor boy handed me a good sized rock and I smashed it. Wait- no I didn't! It ran away under some rocks and dirt and after some digging and more panic (there is no way I'm going to let a black widow roam around my back yard!) I was once again bailed out by the neighbor boy who pointed, "There it is!" I finally did squish it and immediatly brought the boys inside and fired off an email to Brett informing him that he needed to fix the spider problem asap. AND- long story short, I thought of Bridget who has been biten by a black widow and is possibly the only person who would have freaked out more and can understand just how brave I was :). Little boys are soooo fun.


Bridget said...

Holy Cow! You're right, I am so proud of you. I would have evacuated the surrounding neighborhood and called for backup. Seriously. LOL.
But I guess little whatshisname has kinda redeemed himself this time. Of course, I'm sure he was more than willing to help the hottest mom on the block, lol. ;)

Ananda Henriksen said...

Wow, first that the kid recognized what it was, second that he told you and third YOU KILLED it:) Yeah super mom! Black widows- yuck and more yuck.

Unknown said...

okay this is not a comment specifically for this post, but you are so cute! I haven't been by to visit your blog in many moons & I forgot how much I smile when I do. Thanks for a cheery lift & reality that makes me feel good!

Wren Johnson said...

Yikes! Scary. And of course, they poked it with sticks. hah hah. You're amazing Brittany!

Lauriann said...

yikes! you rock!!! Another item on the list of things mothers have to do.

Perry and I take the easy way out and drench our Black Widows with spider spray. If the chemicals don't kill them, the drowning will.

I'm not sure I'd have the courage to squish one with a rock. yuck. But hey, I'm the one going around poking rattle snakes. :) I know. Doesn't make sense.