Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Picnic in the Park

It's the Lehi Roundup! "Yee Haw!" as Brett would say (love ya hon). We went to the Picnic and Music in the park and the kids, although first bored with the music, quickly disocvered what generations of kids have -that even grass is fun. Luka has just picked up another word, or phrase actually. I didn't realize how much I say, "There you go" to her until she started repeating it back to me the other day. She must have seen how delighted I was when she says it because she just repeats it all the time now. I do say it a lot I've realized- when I give her something, when she grabs something, when I get her out of her chair or seat etc. But it is just funny to me that it would be her next words of choice to say. I suppose it shouldn't be that funny since Tucker's first and second words were 'button' and 'light.' I love summertime with my kids!


Ananda Henriksen said...

Gah! That means that's so cute I don't know what to say. I'm just picturing little Luka sayin it:) Tuck is the best big brother. Kids are smart grass is entertaining!

Lula Marie Henriksen said...

Your Uncle Dana's first sentence was "Don't do Dat!" because he had two big brothers, Bruce and Russell who didn't want him in their toys. He was about Luka's age. Thanks for sharing. Love, Grandmother H.