Monday, September 13, 2010

That's Right... I'm 30

Brett softened the blow by giving me 30 presents for my birthday. There are only 29 in the pile - number 30 is in the garage. It was like Christmas and the kids were so excited I thought they would fly away from waving their arms so much. Thanks Brett! You're the best!


Wren Johnson said...

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy Birthday!!!!! You're so awesome! Your whole family is!:) I may not know a lot about percussion, but I think you're gonna be spectacularly awesome with those drums.

Anonymous said...

I Love you, birthday girl!!!!

Alisha said...

Happy birthday! What a lucky lady to get 30 presents! Love the one in the garage:)

Lauriann said...

So what were some of the gifts? I can't imagine what they'd be. Perry would NEVER ever think of something so clever.
Your man rocks!
Happy Birthday!

Hubba's Thoughts said...

Happy Birthday my sweet Britt!! Being 30 isn't that bad is it??? You are a wonderful friend. I hope you had a great day!

Bruce said...

Turning 30 is the doorway to the best times!