Thursday, September 2, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Luka!

Luka had a fun, if not crazy, 3rd birthday. After dropping big brothers at school it was just the two of us for a few hours. We went to the dinosaur museum in the evening. Grandma Lu came with Connor and Victoria. Tucker LOVES hanging out with my cousin Connor who is his age. Victoria is sooo grown-up and a super big sister! Saren brought her friend Brandon and it was nice to finally meet him. Then it was home for pizza and a party. When Boston came to the door, Luka heard his voice, dropped everything and RAN to the door saying, "It's my buddy Boston!" over and over. She LOVES her buddy Boston! Lots of presents and dinosaurs later I think it's safe to say that Luka had a fun birthday. Thanks everyone!!
P.S. Luka's cake was supposed to be a pink dinosaur but ended up looking a little familiar... I was dying laughing to myself as each of my sisters said, "That looks like Valcor," or "That's the dragon from 'Never Ending story'!". At least I got it to look like something :). Although, you guys, once I looked up Valcor, it really doesn't look that much like him.


Amy Conklin said...

Happy birthday Luka! I'm glad you had some mommy - Luka time! I love the cake! You are very creative!

Wren Johnson said...

That was sooo much fun! Thanks for inviting us to the museum! And the cake was amazing!!! I still think it looks just a little like Valcor (though much more dinosaury). lol. :) I loooove you!