Saturday, January 30, 2010

One Fabulous, Wonderful, Weird Night

Have you ever seen someone back their car into a car being driven by this guy? Yeah, I hadn't either until Friday Night. Brett took me to the Tree Room at Sundance for dinner. He managed to get the last reservation opening for the weekend somehow (it was busy because of the festival). Anyway, it was AMAZING. He even had a dozen roses in a vase sent to the restaraunt so they were on our table when we got there! I could have died (Who are you and what did you do to my husband!!)! After dinner we were getting in the car when we saw somebody back their car into another car in the parking lot being driven by Mr. Robert Redford himself. We just heard him yell out the window, "Don't you look!" several times. Then the people who hit him got out and were looking at the damage, the lady loudly said, "You're Robert Redford!" Well as soon as she said that it got quiet and the next thing we knew the people drove off, Mr. Redford parked his car (a Honda hybrid in case you're wondering) and marched into the building. Brett and I, being very American, watched him jump out in his trendy newsboy/ beret cap thing and then drove over to check out his car. It was so funny. I never would have thought myself as a person who cared about celebrities, but it was like we were compelled to watch. I mean I got back out of the car to stare! It was like a train wreck (well car wreck actually) I couldn't look away! :) I felt REALLy bad for the poor guy who backed his car into Robert before we knew who it was. Then I felt REALLY REALLY bad for him. So there is my account of our exciting weekend. More excitement then I've seen since a demolition derby. Turns out if you leave the house now and then, you might see some crazy stuff. :)

1 comment:

Debany Henriksen said...

Then there were the adventures with Luka going on at grandmas while we "watched" her while you guys were away. Oh me oh my. :) She is a hilarious adventure all in herself.