Saturday, January 30, 2010

One Fabulous, Wonderful, Weird Night

Have you ever seen someone back their car into a car being driven by this guy? Yeah, I hadn't either until Friday Night. Brett took me to the Tree Room at Sundance for dinner. He managed to get the last reservation opening for the weekend somehow (it was busy because of the festival). Anyway, it was AMAZING. He even had a dozen roses in a vase sent to the restaraunt so they were on our table when we got there! I could have died (Who are you and what did you do to my husband!!)! After dinner we were getting in the car when we saw somebody back their car into another car in the parking lot being driven by Mr. Robert Redford himself. We just heard him yell out the window, "Don't you look!" several times. Then the people who hit him got out and were looking at the damage, the lady loudly said, "You're Robert Redford!" Well as soon as she said that it got quiet and the next thing we knew the people drove off, Mr. Redford parked his car (a Honda hybrid in case you're wondering) and marched into the building. Brett and I, being very American, watched him jump out in his trendy newsboy/ beret cap thing and then drove over to check out his car. It was so funny. I never would have thought myself as a person who cared about celebrities, but it was like we were compelled to watch. I mean I got back out of the car to stare! It was like a train wreck (well car wreck actually) I couldn't look away! :) I felt REALLy bad for the poor guy who backed his car into Robert before we knew who it was. Then I felt REALLY REALLY bad for him. So there is my account of our exciting weekend. More excitement then I've seen since a demolition derby. Turns out if you leave the house now and then, you might see some crazy stuff. :)

Friday, January 29, 2010


It's almost been a year since my dear Grandpa passed away and he has been on my mind constantly lately it seems. I'm glad because I NEVER want to forget him. I never could of course. He was the most amazing man I've ever met. If I had to tell someone who reminds me most of Grandpa, first it would be my Grandma Lu. They are one and the same. Then I would say President Hinckley. He always reminded me of Grandpa because they were both so funny, both had the spirit of the Lord so strong you trusted EVERYTHING they said. I guess what I'm trying to say is I miss you Grandpa! Thanks for being so wonderful!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

5 Years Ago in 2005 . . .

The other day I got to thinking about my January 2005. At the time I felt like my life was over. My poor little baby was on oxygen, my husband was working full time and going to night school in Salt Lake. I felt VERY alone. But then I got to experience the joy I felt when I found out we could finally take Clay off of the oxygen and monitors. No more sleeping on the living room floor. I could actually take my two month old baby into another room without dragging cords and a monitor behind me! Looking back it hardly seems like I really lived that - it's so weird. Five years can be a LONG time! My little guys were so cute! Turns out I was blonde that year. :) And my little fragile baby grew up to be my cute, crazy, and HEALTHY Clay. I need to remember that sometimes. Life can be really hard, but you survive and learn and grow. I guess God knows what he is doing. :)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Rock Hunt

Tucker has been learning about rocks and minerals in science. He has shown a lot of interest in rocks so on a whim on Saturday we headed west to see what we could find. Somewhere between Vernon and Eureka we headed off road. We hiked around for a few hours. The kids had a blast. They brought back pockets full of 'sentimental value' rocks. They did find a few really cool rocks. Some had fossils in them, and Clay found two fist sized rocks that had white crystals. It was hilarious. He said, "I found a giant crystal!" And of course we didn't believe him. Jokes on us - he did. It was even more funny the second time when re REALLy didn't believe him and sure enough he found another one. We haven't determined their mineral yet but Tuck has a Smithsonian rock and mineral guide so we're working on it. Really, all in all, it was a lot of fun!! I didn't expect it to go that well, but the kids LOVED it. Guess we'll probably be doing that again. :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Not Expected

We got an offer on our house! It was low by about $20,000 and even though we countered I seriously doubt anything will come of it, but. . .it's an offer! :) Our first one. Maybe our house will sell. . . huh.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Not a good idea. . .

. . . to fall asleep in the evidence!

Monday, January 11, 2010

When I went to Target I was determined. Get in, get the perscriptions, and get out (all of my fellow Target addicts understand how difficult this can be). But I was determined! And then I saw this- a swimsuit that looks like a ballerina! Ahhhh, I couldn't help it. Why do I feel like I must buy everything for my little girl? I have a serious problem.


For Christmas I gave myself slippers that my Mom meant to give me for Christmas over 15 years ago. My Mom bought slippers for me a LONG time ago for Christmas and then when Christmas came, she couldn't find them. She told me about it later and I'll admit, I was disappointed. I've always been a slipper person. Well, it kind of became a joke that when something was missing it must be with the slippers. This last fall she actually found them buried in a box under some Halloween stuff and in a bag. I don't know what the bigger miracle was, that it took this long to find or that they still fit (I've had big feet for a long time!) The best part- they are the warmest and most comfortable slippers ever! :) Plus I haven't had slippers shaped like something since I was a kid.