Monday, August 25, 2008


First day of Kindergarten and I can't decide if Tucker was more excited or nervous (I nearly cried of course). I think that he was annoyed that I was trying to get pictures; he just wanted to go to school already! :) Boy, what a big step. of course he is more than ready for it, but it is still hard to send him off to school. It's just the beginning. I'm so proud of him. Tomorrow he gets to ride the bus (and I'll be a nervous wreck).

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Summer Outings With Cousins

It's been really fun for the kids to hang out with their cousins this summer. I love the way Tucker calls Boston 'Boss Boss' and how Clay is surprisingly protective of Boston. Jack and Luka just stare at each other and Luka swipes his toys because she can right now (not much longer and Jack will be mobile and take them back). They kids always get excited to have a cousin day and can't understand why we don't just spend the entire day, breakfast to bedtime, together. It's been fun.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Well I'm officially a soccer Mom. Our Tuesdays and Thursdays are pretty busy now, but will be super crazy in a few weeks when I run Clay to preschool, pick him up, take Tuck to Kindergarten, pick him up, and then go to soccer practice or games. Just in Lehi city there are approximately 28 different teams of K/1st grade soccer teams like Tuck's, each team has about 12 little boys and girls on it. Lehi has it's problems but they have a great rec program. Tuck loves his soccer games and it is actually pretty fun to watch. He bends his knees and kind of crab walks side to side. I think it is just his way of being excited to play but it looks like he is doing defense - it's really cute. I hope to get a better picture of him in his soccer stuff - it's really fun. You dress up your little girls in tutu's and princessy stuff and it is cute. With little boys it is fun when they finally get to wear the athletic uniforms and gear and they look so grown up. I love going to Tuck's soccer games.

Friday, August 15, 2008

A year goes by so fast and yet a year ago seems like forever

I guess I'm feeling nostalgic which is probably Tucker's fault. Having him go to Kindergarten in tough! He has grown up so fast. And when I think about our family a year ago, I can't believe how much has changed. Of course we now have Luka, we live in a different house, my stomach (and other things) are much flatter now. A year ago I was miserable being pregnant but was looking forward to a baby shower that ended up being more fun than I had even anticipated. And I made the Lightning McQueen car (sponsored by evenflo instead of Rusteze) for the boys in an effort to make them feel less left out with all the attention on the baby. Now it is harder to go anywhere with three kids- three kids to get dressed, fed, in the car, out of the car, keep happy at the store, three opinions to listen to in the car (yes, babies do have opinions about stuff). And it is more work - more kids to put to sleep at bedtime, more food to make, more messes to clean up, more laundry to do, more trips to the doctor etc. However, all that being said, I think I'll keep them all. :) I also get to have three times the jokes ('Knock , knock' 'Who's there?' 'Poop!' lots and lots of giggling then 'Poop who?' 'Don't Cry' -for the record I know that isn't how it goes but I like Clay's version, it's pretty funny too), three times the hugs and kisses (Luka's loves are nice, but little boy hugs are pretty great when you know they probably won't always do that), three times the company (I still panic when I do go to the store alone, I don't even know what to do ), three times the 'help', etc. They are a handful, but they're mine and I sure love them.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Oh Sappy Day..

As my little sis gets ready to go to college soon I can't help but think back nine years to when I went to USU and met Brett. What a couple of goofy kids (doesn't he look excited to go out with me?:). Love you babe!

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Yesterday Tucker came in and started talking to us about something, just as natural as can be, and Brett said, "Don't you have something else you want to tell us?" I'm like, what are you talking about until I turned and looked and saw Tucker's hair (top picture). He gave himself a couple of good bald spots. Right before school! Clay's hair was getting long and Dad insisted he needed a haircut even though I could hardly bare to cut off his cute curls. So they both got haircuts last night. Tukcer still has a few spots on top you can see if you look hard but I wasn't going to shave his head a week before school :). I couldn't even be upset with Tuck, all I could think is at least he didn't cut Luka's hair (knock on wood), after all, I cut Bridget's hair all off when we were little.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


So I can't believe it happened! Luka took her first solo steps tonight. It was bedtime and they were getting to bed later than normal and she was grumpy, so while I was making her bottle she was clinging to my legs and walking in a circle around me. Well I guess something just clicked and she realized that she was balancing really well, and she kept testing herself letting go and just standing (she has done this maybe twice before - just standing by herself) I called Brett in and after a couple of trys (she is unbelievably determined when she puts her mind to something) she actually took a couple of steps before she fell. I have her trying and testing on DVD, but of course we ran out of disk right before she took her steps! All well, I'm sure I'll get plenty of video of her walking now. She tried it a couple more times, realized she was really tired and her legs were tired too, so it was off to bed. Then as we were reading scriptures with the boys it just hit me that I won't have any more 'babies first steps' because Luka is our last baby. Well I got all choked up and started crying and couldn't read. The boys were sleepy and hardly noticed and Brett said, "I thought you'd read a really powerful scripture and I missed it or something." Nope, just realized that my baby isn't a baby anymore and is heading straight into toddlerhood. :( Seriously, I'm getting teary again just typing this. I'm so weird! :) Hopefully it will take her a while to really start trying to walk, but if she is anything like her brothers, her crawling days are over.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Saturday is a Special Day

I'm stuck on primary songs lately I guess. Boy, another long Saturday. It turns out it takes 3 1/2 hours to stain a deck with two people helping instead of the 1-2 that we expected (after Brett spent 1 1/2 hours sanding it). It wouldn't seem so bad but our deck is tiny so it shouldn't have taken very long. Being 100 degrees didn't help (I'm a REDneck now!) We finally finished and were able to come inside and work on some projects. We are still working on the list of things we were going to finish before we moved into the house. Clay helped me make zucchini bread (which we eat like crazy every year until we are very, VERY tired of it). And Brett tried to put on some much needed child latches - with a lot of help. After our rough day yesterday, it was good to feel productive and spend time with the kids. Time for baths and bedtime! Yeah!